The Imitation Game

THE IMITATION GAME – A movie choose by lecture. We have to do a performance based on this movie. Ours 1st impression to this movie is BORING after we finish the trailer! We are keep gamble why lecture choose this movie and there are few of my friend was command in this movie is this is a good movie, some said it is boring very deep and hardly to understand. But after finish this movie, I really want to give them a slap that said this movie not interesting!

    One of the scenes in this movie has given me a deep impression and let me think on it. That is after Alan Turing successes strive for his budget to produce his Christopher Machine to fight for the Enigma machine. In the process of build Christopher Machine, all the working partner was push out him, thinking he is wasting time, do not believe his “broken machine” can fight win the Enigma. But however how much people ask him to give up, to stop his process but Alan Turing still do not give up until he success. I am very admiring how he can truly believes his machine can work well and success. If for me, I think I will give up early after few times failure testing. But today, how many people can hundred percent stand on themselves opinion and truly follow his own way by not influence by another people? I think most of us will just give up if advised by friend if they are said that “hey! This is not working, just give up”, “ Don’t try already, it is only wasting time” or “ you should change another way, you should do this, do that” and finally fail again. I think we should accept suggestion but not blind followed. Like Alan Turing accept the idea of Hugh Alexandra who are the 2nd person who help Alan Turing after appear of Joan Clarke. He suggests and give a machine part to Alan Turing to help the Christopher machine work faster.

One of the unexpected story from this movie is Alan Turing is homosexual. Although I am realize maybe he is a homosexual from he was child (his expression was look so shy and fell he was look like a person that was fall in love especially when he is together with Christopher) however I still aspect he will marry and born a smart baby with Joan Clarke. They were so match, understanding each other. Actually i am a very open mind person; I am not against homosexuals if they are love each other and not hurt someone. For me, Love is a feeling whatever to man or women. However some parents still can't accept it. But once u step in this situation, then you can't pull away easily. Like Alan Turing chooses suicide at last although he is already accepts the medical treatment. Because he still deep in love with Christopher, who was affects his whole life, makes him a right way to release his talent to save all the people in the fire in WW2.

    Truly suggest all people to watch this movie! The origin or history of computer nowadays~


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